Letter in a bottle: 2022 goals

Letter in a bottle: 2022 goals

Hello Zainab!

By the time you read this again, it'll probably be December 2022 and you'll be ready to ring in another new year. I kind of wonder if it eventually gets boring. Year after year, celebrating another rotation around the Sun.

I believe this is the year I put pressure on myself and become intentional about growth. 2021 was spent on existing and that is definitely an achievement. However, it's time to build things and make memories.

I have to admit though, I'm scared and about to chew my nails off. Why? I feel like I have realised how much I can achieve with smart work and time management. It's really crazy and I'm definitely here for it. While it'll be fine if I can't achieve all I plan for the year by December, I have to admit it would be quite disappointing.

All in all, we'll all be fine.